
Programs and partnerships


​​Specialist programs

Specialist teachers

The curriculum of the school is supported by the work of several specialist teachers. These include:

  • arts teacher
  • physical education teacher
  • Language other than English (LOTE) teacher
  • support teachers: literacy and numeracy
  • speech therapist
  • instrumental music teacher.

The school also has access to a guidance officer.

Special Education Program

At Bucasia State School, all children deserve the best possible education; education that provides opportunities for children of all abilities to reach their potential.  The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is a fair and consistent way for Australian schools to collect information that reflects the support or adjustments being provided for students whose learning is impacted by disability.  These adjustments will be different for each student, but might include things like specialised technology, specialist equipment, building modifications or a differentiated approach to curriculum delivery.  The Commonwealth student with disability loading is now based on the NCCD. To include a student in the NCCD schools must have documented evidence in accordance with NCCD criteria.  It's up to schools to decide how they'll do this, but there are some simple tools and templates available from the NCCD Portal to support schools through the process.  It's important that schools understand which students should be included in the NCCD and the evidence needed to support their inclusion because it helps to ensure that funding will be allocated fairly, based on need.  This means that schools and school systems will have access to appropriate funding support based on the adjustments that have been provided in the previous twelve months.  And it means that all students receiving adjustments because of disability will get the education they deserve. 

Student Support Services

The school nurtures and reviews inclusive practice, adopting a continuous improvement model. Positive relationships between families, students and staff are an essential factor for success of the program and parents are most welcome to discuss their child’s needs with class teacher and support staff. It is through consultation with parents and care-givers that goals for students are determined and documented in the Personal Learning Record (PLR​). Case management and communication between home and school in achieving set goals is fundamental for the most successful outcomes for our students.

Inclusive approach

Bucasia State School has an inclusive approach and focuses on the use of differentiated instruction and curriculum adjustments, where students work alongside their peers where possible, rather than relying on teaching assistants.

Through access to different styles of learning more suited to their individual needs, students are provided with quality experiences to help develop academic and living skills important to their independence and social development in the school setting and within the wider community. This in turn offers important opportunity to members of the whole school community to value difference and celebrate diversity, through developing the values of understanding, tolerance and acceptance that can be carried with them throughout their lives.

Bucasia State School works flexibly to promote inclusion rather than facilitating systematic withdrawal, focusing on positive input from experienced support staff within regular classrooms that will assist students to participate in regular educational services.

Students are supported in class when necessary, through modified curriculum and support, enabling them to be with their same age peers and to enjoy the same learning experiences alongside them, with adjusted expectations of outcomes corresponding to their individual ability.

At Bucasia, we recognise that relationships are more likely when children spend time together, over extended periods of time, in shared activities, with support for this to happen.

To achieve academic, communication, social, work, emotional, leisure and home skills of students, programs sometimes extend outside of school to include community access, these programs are linked to the curriculum.


For more information on the range of special education programs available in Queensland including autism spectrum disorder view the following sites:


Please contact us if you would like more information about our program. 

Last reviewed 04 August 2024
Last updated 04 August 2024