
Our school


Bucasia State School believes in developing the potential of each person. 

We aim to promote and develop that capacity within an environment of care and support and through a range of opportunities within the broad educational program. 

Bacasia State School group shot 

Enrolment age

Education Queensland requires parents to enrol their children in Year One in the year they turn 6 years of age.

From 2009, the new compulsory starting age requirement stated that children must be 6 six years of age by 30 June in the year they enrol in Year 1.  

Enrolment interview

To best meet the needs of every student in our school, we prefer that each family attend an interview with the Principal or Deputy Principal at the time of enrolment. 

This is an excellent opportunity to talk about the school and the ways in which it can meet your child’s needs and support your family.  Parents are welcome to have a guided tour of the school.  Interviews will be booked once enrolments and proof of residence are submitted. 

Parent Handbook

Our  Parent Handbook is a reference tool with information about our:

  • organisation
  • procedures
  • routine 
  • policies.

Parent involvement

It is our belief that a school, if it is to play an effective role in the education of a child, cannot be an isolated institution. In the teaching and development of your child, it is our firm belief that co-operative teacher/parent relationship is not only desirable but essential. Because of the predominant influence of the home in the course of a child's development, education must become a three way communication process involving teacher, parent, carer and child.

Interested parents are always welcome at our school, and our teachers are ever willing to talk about your child's progress, and to discuss his or her learning. Parents are encouraged to become involved in the learning program provided for the students in our classrooms and we look forward to your participation in such activities when the opportunity presents itself.

Statement of Purpose

Providing a happy, safe environment for all children to live and learn together now and in the future.

Our vision

Our vision is to develop confident, successful learners that are engaged and challenged in meaningful learning experiences. 

Our motto

Live and Learn

Our values

1.  We respect each other and value diversity.

2.  We foster productive and positive partnerships within the whole school community.

3.  We have high expectations.

4.  We promote innovation and leadership and are focused on student learning.

5.  We promote health and wellbeing by creating safe and sustainable work and learning environments.

6.  We believe all classrooms operate effectively when the Six Givens are in place - relationships, high expectations, presentation, correction, display/learning walls  and setting positive tone.  

Last reviewed 06 November 2024
Last updated 06 November 2024